majena mafe
‘Sound is coming out of her. Sound has been coming out of her. Sound can come out of her.
Sound coming out of her is coming out of her and she has not been hearing not been hearing the sound that has been coming out of her. Sound has come out of her and she is listening and sound can come out of her.
Sound comes out of her. Sound coming out of her is expressing that thing, is saying something. Sound coming out of her is expressing something, is saying anything. Sound coming out of her is expressing everything, is saying everything. Sound is coming out of her. Sound has been coming out of her. Some sound comes out of her. Sound comes out of her.
If sound comes out of her it is a sound that expresses that thing expresses sound coming out of her. Sound does come out of her. Sound coming out of her does express this thing does express sound coming out of her.
Sound coming out of her comes out of her and is expressing sound coming out of her. Expressing sound coming out of her is something sound coming out of her is doing. Sound coming out of her is something. Sound is coming out of her.
Sound is coming out of her and that sound has been the sound that has been expressing that that sound is coming out of her. Sound coming out of her is something that has that meaning that has the meaning that that sound is coming out of her. Sound coming out of her is something that the sound coming out of her is not explaining. Sound coming out of her is something that the sound coming out of her is not suggesting. Sound coming out of her is something that is not relating to her having been one having had sound coming out of her. Sound coming out of her is something expressing that thing expressing that sound is coming out of her …’ excerpt from Gertrude Stein Two: Gertrude Stein and her Brother
Seven small operettas for Gertrude Stein
1.vertical 3 Stein-sound - 1:29 (2008)
2.patriarchal poetry prettily ma-chine - 2:32 (2008)
3.let-her-be shy … oh - 1:12 (2008)
4.method method …delightful - (2008)
5.lovelovelove for repitit’n - 1:49 (2008)
6.gertrude wood napoleon - 2:32 (2008)
7.gertruda-poema - 1:17 (2008)
For more on Stein by majena mafe, view The biography of sound … by Gertrude Stein